Sunday, March 28, 2010

Our First Time Gardening

This year my husband and I decided we wanted to plant a garden. We wanted fresh fruits and vegetables, and plus we wanted some pretty flowers as well. We really had no idea how to go about starting, but we just decided to go for it. I am lucky that someone in my program is an awesome gardener. She gave me some really good tips, like to plant things, such as tomatoes, right now inside the house.

We haven't really decided completely what will be in our garden, other than what we have already purchased seeds for. We picked up onions, tomatoes, watermelons, beans, sunflowers and some morning glorys. I've already planted the tomatoes and watermelons inside, and started to think they would never grow! Then this morning I woke up and found this...

They've sprouted! I am so excited to see we did something right. So we have just decided to do this and learn from all our mistakes. I can't wait to enjoy some fresh vegetables...


Monday, March 22, 2010

My newest obsession

Life is really tough money wise right now. My husband and I are young and are still in college, so it is difficult to find a decent job without a degree. Luckly, I am a server and can make a good amount of money (above minimum wage at least...). Even besides the fact of money problems, I have always been a thrifty person. If I can get something on sale for a good deal, why not? I've always used coupons (my husband calls me an old lady, if he only knew how much I usually save!), but I have never even thought of using coupons the way A Thrifty Mom does. Her blog is amazing! Go check it out at . She posts all the deals on her blog, including coupons and what you will save. Plus, she has some great links for online coupons. I can't believe some of the savings she gets!
So after listening to her advice and getting my couponing in order I have already saved so much money! Plus I got some great gifts for Easter baskets. Like Target has Connect 4 for $7, plus the newspaper had coupon for $4 and Target had one for $3 off. Yes, that's right, I got Connect 4 for free. Plus, 10 bottles of Sobe Lifewater for free as well. Just go check out her blog and trust me you won't regret it!
-Stephanie :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Working my butt off...

And I don't even have anything to post! My daughter's 2nd birthday is in less than a month and I am in overdrive! Not to mention Easter is right before...
Here is some of the things I am working on, and I promise I will post as soon as the party is wrapped up. But there will still be an Easter post, I've got some awesome cupcakes that I plan on making.
The party is a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme. I started with just wanting something simple for the party. I just wanted to buy everything and just make her a cute little Minnie dress. Yeah, right! Once I started shopping for this dress, I got so many ideas. I decided on a tutu, with the Minnie polka dot pattern on top of all the tulle to make a big poofy skirt. Then I am going to sew a Mickey head onto a white t-shirt with a red polka dot bow to make it Minnie. This wouldn't be complete without her own set of Minnie ears, made of felt and a plastic headband. Which I decided to make for all the party guests. Then I had to make personalized gift bags. And decorations (Hello Mickey cricut cartrage..). And a pinata. Yes, a pinata. I don't know why. I just started and couldn't stop. So everything is started and not finished. I have to get it done well in advance because I am also making a 3d mickey cake, along with mickey sugar cookies on a stick, and cupcakes. So I think it's safe to say, my life is put on hold until this party. If it was only that simple...
I can't complain, I love it! And I can't wait to post the pictures and some directions...