Monday, March 22, 2010

My newest obsession

Life is really tough money wise right now. My husband and I are young and are still in college, so it is difficult to find a decent job without a degree. Luckly, I am a server and can make a good amount of money (above minimum wage at least...). Even besides the fact of money problems, I have always been a thrifty person. If I can get something on sale for a good deal, why not? I've always used coupons (my husband calls me an old lady, if he only knew how much I usually save!), but I have never even thought of using coupons the way A Thrifty Mom does. Her blog is amazing! Go check it out at . She posts all the deals on her blog, including coupons and what you will save. Plus, she has some great links for online coupons. I can't believe some of the savings she gets!
So after listening to her advice and getting my couponing in order I have already saved so much money! Plus I got some great gifts for Easter baskets. Like Target has Connect 4 for $7, plus the newspaper had coupon for $4 and Target had one for $3 off. Yes, that's right, I got Connect 4 for free. Plus, 10 bottles of Sobe Lifewater for free as well. Just go check out her blog and trust me you won't regret it!
-Stephanie :)

1 comment:

  1. Man girl! Next time you're over here I'll show you my stockpile! You'll be amazed. I get it all for FREE
    Check out as well. It's AMAZING!
    Last year I saved $5000 and spent right around $500. That included clothes and shoes, and some of our groceries.
